A group of people walking on a sidewalk in front of a building

Description automatically generated with low confidenceA picture containing grass, tree, outdoor

Description automatically generatedA picture containing outdoor, building, sky, house

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We are development consultancy representing a large national housebuilder, Housing Associations,
Keyworker and Affordable Homes Development companies to help identify potential development
sites in the North Staffordshire , North West , Midlands and South Cheshire.

We’ll work to suit you

You may not realise the true value of the property that you own. When was the last time
you had your property or land valued ? Are you aware that the purchase of the property
can be negotiated to meet the needs of both parties in relation to price, timescales for
vacant possession.

Conditional Sale

Acquisition of the property conditionally subject to gaining full planning permission,
this would give you a better price for the property based on what can be developed.

Joint Venture

We would prepare a planning feasibility study for the site, determine what we can achieve
with the property, and develop the scheme out based on a profit share arrangement.

Option Agreement

If your property is considered to have long-term development potential, we could look to
enter into an Option Agreement which would provide our client with the opportunity to
work the site through the planning system with a view to acquiring the site at an agreed
price by an agreed date.

If you would like to know more or simply like to have an initial informal discussion, in relation
to the potential sale of your property now or in the future, then please give us a call or email us.

Contact Us

land@selloffmarket.co.uk  tom@selloffmarket.co.uk

dave@selloffmarket.co.uk  info@selloffmarket.co.uk

Phone: 07791 585 809   Phone: 07713 133 257

Brownfield   Industrial   Factory   Builders Yards   Open Storage
Greenbelt   Farmland   Garages   Public Houses   Hotels
Carparks   Office   Blocks   Conversion   Gardens   Other